
Food for thought: Will Android L be called Android Licorice?

Android LicoriceAndroid L is so close that many of us can smell the new Android operating system already – hell, we’ve already got the Material Design Google Play Store. While many believe that Google is doing away with numbers and letters in their Android nomenclature, there are still the faithful few who believe Google will stick with their candy and dessert naming ways and release Android L with a sweet new name (pun intended). We’ve heard Lollipop, Lemon Meringue Pie and even [Nestle] Lion, but today we have an interesting lead on a new name for Android L: Android Licorice.

This latest revelation comes after Giovanni Calabrese posted the above on Google+, saying “I never had a great liking for Licorice, but damn! there are some great flavors out there !!!” And who exactly is Mr. Calabrese that has got us so excited by his comments? Calabrese is actually one of the designers behind Google’s Android statues that stand on the Google HQ lawn, so perhaps he has some inside knowledge about what’s coming in the future of Android L. Maybe it’s a red herring, but I doubt this will be the last Android name rumour we hear before the official announcement of Android L.

What do you think about the name Android Licorice? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Google+ via Phone Arena