
Forget The Nexus 5: Where’s The New ASUS Nexus 10?

asus nexus 10The week just past has been a flurry of Google related news, the highlight of which, no doubt, was the highly anticipated and expected announcement of the Nexus 5 smartphone. Despite all the all the exciting news surrounding the new Google phone and its incremental Android update to Android 4.4, that left me wondering where the rumoured ASUS-manufactured Nexus 10 is and when it could possibly be announced. It’s now November, and there aren’t that many opportunities for Google to announce yet another device before ringing in 2014. That is, if such a tablet device actually exists.

In the past, we’ve had several suggestions that such a device is being worked on, such as a tip that Google had moved on from its agreement with Samsung to create the original Nexus 10 and instead had recruited ASUS, who’s success with the Nexus 7 is now legendary, to work on the new Nexus 10. There was also a leak that showed that the ASUS Nexus 10 existed on the UK PC World’s database, however since then the leaks have thinned out. In fact, the best we’ve had is a very good hoax attempt which showed the Google Play Store devices page updated with both the Nexus 5 and the ASUS Nexus 10.

So that’s the story so far, and unless Google’s actually been able to keep a secret this time, it looks unlikely that the ASUS Nexus 10 will see the light of day this year. I guess we’ll have to scratch that off our Christmas wishlists, though I’d love to be wrong. Let us know what you think.

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