
Four New Motorola Apps for the New Moto X Hit the Play Store


For those of you that were lucky enough to pre-order your New Moto X; Motorola decided to release four different apps into the Play Store to keep you updated and happy. We love it that OEMs are releasing their most crucial apps into the Play Store so we don’t have to wait for an OTA to show up to fix the bugs, or improve the app.

The four apps that you will find in the Play Store are Moto, Moto Actions, Moto Display, and Moto Sensor Services. The “Moto” app is just a guide for newbies that need help with their new device, which a lot of you probably won’t need. Moto Actions has to do with the 3D gestures we have seen in the videos, where you can answer calls or deny calls by the wave of you hand. Moto Display is of course what used to be called Active Display. Then finally the Motorola Sensor Services is there to keep the sensor firmware updated and hopefully bug free.

So once you get your New Moto X make sure you have them all updated in the Play Store to keep your phone fresh.