
Froyo Blankets the Field – Running on 61% of Devices

Android Developers has released new data pertaining the which versions of Android are the most common. These new statistics were based on a two week test that ended March 15th. The outcome of these trials can be seen in the picture below.

As you can see Froyo clearly dominates the field running on 61.3 percent of tablets and phones. Eclair comes in next running on 29 percent of devices (wonder how many Samsung devices make up that statistic?), followed by Donut at 4.8, Cupcake at 3, Gingerbread at 1.7 and Honeycomb bringing up the rear at 0.2. Of course the results aren’t too hard to imagine considering the versions leading the pack are the most common on Android devices out of the box.

I would have thought Gingerbread would have came in higher considering the vast amount of people that run CyanogenMod’s new creation. I wonder what the results of these tests would be in a couple months, when new Honeycomb tablets hit and Gingerbread becomes a bit more regular (or Samsung releases a massive update- had to say it).


Source: Slash Gear