
Fujitsu to drop Android powered ‘Business’ tablet in Japan

Seems like every time we turn around some other company is trying their hand at bringing an Android tablet to market. From the likes of ZTE to Coby to Pantech, there are plenty of option around. No one has specifically targeted the ‘business’ niche specifically though. Not that anyone really needs too. Don’t go and get your hopes up to high, Fujitsu might make some great products, but we aren’t seeing how this one falls in line.

The tablet, names the STYLISTIC M350/CA2 , is a standard 7-inch display with an average 1024 X 600 resolution display. It is pushing a 1GHz Freescale i.MX processor and a mere 512MB of DDR3 RAM. There is a typical microSD card slot and 8GB of built-in memory. The usual Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and HDMI support are also built-in. Don’t expect the latest Android OS though, or even a tablet OS like Honeycomb either. The STYLISTIC looks to be on good old Gingerbread 2.3. Another odd design move are the way they added in the hardware keys for navigation. Each one is a separate button directly above the images for the back, menu, home and search functions.

Price wise they are going to be asking the Japanese for ¥34,800, which is about $455. It is set to release overseas later this month and might find its way to other international locations.

What is it with so many of these company’s having the capabilities to make a create tablet and then launch something is a let down? I suppose much of it has to do with software limitations and specifics that might be found in 2.3 vs other Android builds, but still.

Source: Fujitsu via Androinica