
Full QWERTY Slider Pantech Marauder Announced by Verizon

The full QWERTY slider keyboard is not quite dead yet. Some people do have trouble letting go of the physical keyboard, and making their transition to the world of full touch. I had this problem for a while, going from the G1 and G2, I did not want to go full virtual. After many therapy sessions I was able to make the jump. For those of you that are waiting the new full keyboard will be happy to see that there is a new LTE from Verizon coming out.

The Pantech Marauder has just been announced, in all its slider keyboard glory. It will be dropping August 2nd, and it will cost you a whole huge sum of $50. That is pretty cheap if you are not looking for a super high-end phone. Do not think that this phone is low-end. Pantech phones will surprise you. I did a review on the Pantech Burst, and was shocked to find that it was a fast, smooth phone, that could hold its own in the Android world. This phone does  not look any different. It will be rocking a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 dual-core juiced up to 1.2 GHZ, 1GB of RAM, 8GB of internal storage, 4G LTE, and a 4-inch display. Only downside, it will be running Gingerbread. You hate to see that. New phone released, running in old OS. But then the price is only $50, so I guess you really cannot complain about it. Let us know if you plan on getting one, or maybe getting a family member this phone.

Source: Android Community