
Future plans for Temple Run include new characters, power-ups and More

When the rumors of Temple Runs release started to flood the web I got kind of excited. Then more time passed and the hype was lost to me. When Temple Run finally did land on the Play Store we let you guys know about it. Not thinking it still had the steam that it had a month prior. Boy was I wrong on that one. According to a few numbers, Temple Run was downloaded over 1 million times in the first three days of its launch. Not quite the 43 million the iOS version is boasting, but give it time, they have had it for 7 months.

”We’ve never done an Android game before, so it’s a big experiment for us. We just tried to do a very faithful port of the original, and then we’ll see if anything needs to be different after the launch.”

Those million of you that have already picked it up are probably enjoying the game play quite a bit. It is pretty fun, fast paced and a great way to kill some time if you need too. Imangi Studios, the creators of the game, wanted to let the community know they are far from finished with the game. The recently did an interview with Pocket Gamer and had a few things to say. Some of which is future plans for the game.

We’re working on adding more objectives, characters and power-ups. Lots of people also want to see new environments, which is a much bigger deal because the whole game was skinned around the temple – the menus, fonts, end game cartoons, etc.

New characters, power-ups and objectives would make the game a bit more interesting in my opinion. The request for new environments could prove to be a major factor for continued installs and updates. While they mention it would be tricky since the whole game is themed around the temple atmosphere, I think it is entirely do-able. Include Egypt, Greece and even Atlantis. There are a number of myths and legends that involve temples that they could explore. Maybe toss in a Lara Croft look a like character running from an angry mob of ancient tribesmen with spears. There is a lot of potential to expand this game in various side themes while maintaining the original design. Just a few idea for you guys to run with.

Source: Pocket Gamer via Droid-Life