• News
  • 11 November, 2011

G2/Desire Z Ice Cream Sandwich Port! Well…Very VERY Alpha

Fellow T-Mobile G2/Desire Z brothers and sisters, we are getting closer to that Ice Cream Sandwich desert that we are all craving. Oh happy day. We are so close! Can you taste it yet? Of course it is in its very alpha stage at the moment, but we can get it there. Okay, I should not use the word “we” because I am not contributing to any of the development of this port. It’s just like when guys root for their teams and say that “we” almost lost that game. You are not part of the team even though you are walking around wearing that team’s jersey. An XDA-Developer member by the name of  siulmagic is hard at work trying to bring this ICS goodness to our under-rated (but awesome!)phone. Hey our phone was the first to have the hinge that did not get loose over time! Okay besides that design flaw, it is a pretty awesome phone. I can hear Stormy laughing while reading this, because he always makes fun of the fact that I have this phone. Well laugh it up! Looks like I will be getting some ICS first. Check out the video below for the very buggy port.

Source: XDA-Developers