
Galaxy Gear Smartwatch confirmed by Samsung on September 4th

Samsung Galaxy Gear IFA September 4th
The era of smart accessories is upon us guys. Things like Google Glass, Metawatch, Pebble, Martian Watch and various other gadgets are starting to pop up left and right. While the smartwatch arena is predominantly dominated by smaller companies, with the exception of Motorola and Sony’s attempts, there is light on the horizon. Samsung has been hard at work creating a watch that falls inline with the typical Galaxy name. The Samsung Galaxy Gear.

We have seen and heard lots of rumors surrounding such a device, but until the manufacture say it is so we just keep being hopeful. According to an interview with the Korean Times, the Galaxy Gear will make an appearance at IFA in Berlin on September 4th. Lee Young-hee, executive vice president of Samsung Mobile make quite a few statements regarding the Galaxy Gear. The current one will not be featuring a flexible display like many of us hoped. That doesn’t mean one isn’t in the works though. Lee calls the Gear a “wearable concept device,” and that Samsung is “confident that the Gear will add meaningful momentum to the mobile industry.”

With terms like “concept” being tossed about it would seem like the Galaxy Gear debut for September 4th will be more of a preview of what is to come and less like an official announcement with launch details. I know we will be watching closely on the 4th to see what Samsung has put together on the Galaxy Gear and how it will currently operates. SHould be a pretty exciting week in Android and mobile.

What do you guys think? Is wearable tech the future of mobile, or do you feel like it is just a fad that will pass?

Source: Korean Times 

Via: The Verge