Does that title confuse you? Maybe just a little. The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is finally upon us. Well, some of us anyways. The new Flagship in the Note series packs quite a display measuring in at 5.7-inches. For little hands like ones I have, navigating that much real estate almost always requires a second hand. Samsung has placed some pretty great software modes in the previous Note devices that help you use one hand to dial or alters the keyboard for one handed messaging, but nothing quite like this has been implemented before.

That is pretty slick in my opinion. It might seem a bit gimmicky to some, but I can think of a few times where this could be a rather useful feature to people. Two handed operation isn’t always simple or possible. Like many of the other little tweaks found on Samsung products, this one might not be for you. It is nice to know it is there though.
Source: AndroidcentralÂ