
Galaxy S5 to See an Eye Scanner and Two Different Versions?


The rumor mill has begun to spin, and the first bit of news to spin out of it this Monday morning, is in regards to the Galaxy S5. Seems that ZDNet Korea is stating that the Galaxy S5 will come in two relatively different models. The first model will be your standard Samsung plastic phone, and the second model will be your premium metallic phone with better specs than the plastic version. Guess Samsung is taking a page out of Apple’s book.

If that wasn’t enough to tickle your Samsung fancy, Sammy also seems to be working on having an iris scanner built within the new flagship. I guess they figured the fingerprint scanner is old news, so why not collect user’s retina to go along with the already collected fingerprints. To me, it seems a bit much, and I wasn’t even onboard with the whole fingerprint extravaganza.

Specs to the Galaxy S5 are looking mighty tasty, as Samsung is striving for a beautiful display on their new device. Rumors suggest that the Galaxy S5 will sport a quad HD display probably in the 5 to 5.5 inch range, 2,560 x 1,440 resolution, 3GB of RAM, and a 16 MP camera. It will either be supporting the latest Snapdragon processor, or their very own 64-bit Exynos octa processor.

Let us know your thoughts about these rumors. You like the idea of having an eye scanner in your phone? Think Samsung is smart for having two different versions of the new phone? Let us know.

Via: Droid-Life