
Galaxy Tab 10.1 LWP Now Available for Your ASUS Transformer

In a constant effort to not forget about anyone out there, I am constantly on the look out for anything cool for anything I can find.  I located a new post on XDA with the live wallpapers from the newest Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. They are signed and ready to be easily installed on your ASUS Eee Pad Transformer. The comments in the post suggest they work perfectly.

On the left you have the Blue Sea LWP and on the right is the Aura LWP. Many of us Samsung users have seen these plenty of times on our Vibrants and other device counter parts.

I’d have to say my favorite out of the two is the Aura. It’s simple and very relaxing to just stare at. If you want to pick these up go check out Segnaro’s XDA thread. I hope you guys enjoy these.

Source: XDA