
Galaxy Tab Headed To Canada, Bell Customers Rejoice

Good morning to our Canadian friends. How is the the great white north treating you lately. I’d have to say pretty good! At least from Bell anyways. Samsung continues its world wide take over of Android products by announcing, with your beloved carrier, the Galaxy Tab. Currently all 4 major US carriers will be carrying the Tab officially next week. According to the information I found so will you! There is a scheduled release date of November 12th.

It almost seems like Samsung is taking on the military moto of “No man left behind.” Maybe all these devices are really miniature robots and Samsung is preparing for world domination. Either way, their approach to get their products into the hands of the world should keep all the jealousy at bay for now. Now if they can get Android 2.2 rolled to all of these devices as fast as they got them global then Samsung will have redeemed themselves from all their follies of last year.

How many of my Canadian readers are amping up to pick one of this bad boys up?

Source: BGR