
[Game] Drunk Man – Pointless but Fun

We have all been in this guys shoes at one time or another. Those times where you decided your day would be a little better if you had a drink, maybe 12. I know I was guilty of this at least once on an ex-girlfriends birthday. She was not a happy camper.


David is a heavy drunk,and again,on his wife’s birthday,he got drunk.His wife went mad and said he must buy a present for her before he could enter the house! Help the poor guy to walk as long as possible to get to the department store.
If he leans to the left side,tap right half screen and hold, and if he leans to the right side,tap left half screen and hold.
Don’t let him lean too much or he’ll fall down!

There really is no point to this game, but it is still a funny time waster to have.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: Drunk Man
Developer: GameLink
Cost: FREE