
[Game] Myth Defense: Light Force – Holy Cow This Game is Fun

I am a huge tower defense fan. I have clocked numerous hours playing Robo Defense, Hex Defense and Fieldrunners HD. All are amazing games with their own unique twists on a timeless classic. I would have to say that Fieldrunners HD was my current favorite until now. Check out Myth Defense: Light Forces –

Ok, so the screen shots look pretty sweet and remind me of Starcraft, but what makes this one better then the rest, a lot really. Myth Defense offers you 21 different towers to use plus 3 special traps. Incorporated Alchemy runes to combine for tower enhancements, toss in some terrain features like swamps to help you deploy various battle tactics and post to an online worldwide leaderboard. Lets not forget to mention 30 levels of difficulty and 15 maps in the campaign.

Just watch this video and tell me this doesn’t look amazing.

The developing company,Smartpix Games, has made your addiction extremely easy. You can pick up the free version below and then if you love it, like I am sure you will, you can migrate straight to the full version with out losing any of your progress. User reviews are stellar so far, so you know this is a must have title.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: Myth Defense: Light Forces
Developer: Smartpix Games
Cost: FREE