
GAME NIGHT: Crumble Zone


Crumble Zone is the featured game this week, and it is definitely loads arcade style fun. It kind of pays homage to the old arcade game, Missile Command, but of course, it has its very own style.

Crumble Zone has a simple objective; prevent the asteroids and planets from hitting your planet. You play a little alien dude that stands upon his planet, and by shooting what seems to be little bombs up in space, you blow up the asteroids and planets that are being pulled towards the planet. The controls are simple. There is a right and left arrow you use to maneuver around the planet, and there’s a crosshairs icon to fire your weapon. I kind of feels like the old gaming emulators you can download.

If you want some intense, arcade style fun, I would suggest downloading Crumble Zone. It was hard putting down my phone when I first downloaded it, so it just might do the same to you. It is free in the Play Store, so get in there and try it out. Check out my quick video review below. Let us know how you like it.

Play Store Link