
[Game] Pentris – It’s like Tetris but Not

Tetris is a must have on any device or console or anything you own that can play it or a version of it. A sad thing happened not to long ago though. Nintendo jumped in and Google was forced to remove all Tetrisy games from the market. All due to patents and infringements and garbage. It was mostly due to the fact that Nintendo wasn’t making money from it any more and they were not happy about that. Hence why they licensed it to EA so they could sell it for $2.99 and make a profit.

I am not so sure this newest release will last, hopefully it will. In an effort to get you guys all the newest apps and get them installed before they disappear into the abyss of nothingness, I give you Pentris by MardelGames.

So pretty! They made a few changes to the game to give it its own personality and twist. For instance, instead of only 7 styles of pieces you now have 12. You also can build up 5 lines instead of 4. I don’t care how much different the game is, it’s still great.

Click or Scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the Pentris. You can also find out info and share the application with your friends on the AndroidStory App Site.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: Pentris
Developer: MardelGames
Cost: FREE