
GAME REVIEW: Super Stickman Golf 2

Super Stickman Golf 2

One thing I have not done in my reality life in a while, is gone miniature golfing. I always loved it when I was a kid, and still love it to this day. So when Stormy introduced the original Super Stickman Golf, I reacted with a big HELL YEAH, because it was like a wacky miniature golf game right on my phone. Well now Noodlecake Studios Inc has released the sequel to their very addicting golf game, and I assure you this one is more addicting than the last.

So in comes Super Stickman Golf 2. Same concept of the first one, but much improved. The graphics look a little better, but still hold that cheesy stickman quality. Super Stickman Golf 2  is over all a lot smoother, and I am glad they stuck with the same controls they had in the first one. Little added features include I pro shop, which I do not think they had in the first. At least I never used it if they did, but throughout the game, you can gather money to spend in the pro shop. Pro shop has many things you can buy with this fake money, so I will not go over all that you can get. A lot of the options seemed useless to me, so I have not really bothered into diving into them. As you work through game, and increase your levels, you can start customizing your little stickman guy. There are hats and outfit selections you will be able to choose from once you make your way through the game and level up.

MULTIPLAYER MODE…YES! This is definitely what the first one lacked. You are now able to play anyone around the world in multiplayer mode. Just like other multiplayer games, you start a new game with an opponent, and you both simply take turns on each hole. When it is your turn, you can watch your opponent take their shot, or you are given the option to fast forward or skip. You can only play about seven games at once, which I think is more than enough. You can always purchase for games from the pro shop if you desire.

So I give Super Stickman Golf 2, two big thumbs up. Highly addicting like the first one, and the introduction of multiplayer mode has made it so much better. It is free to download in the Play Store, and you can check out my video review below. Let us know what you guys thought about it.

Play Store Link – Super Stickman Golf 2