
Gameloft Celebrates 10 Million Fans On Facebook With Giveaways

gameloftMany of us will know Gameloft as one of the powerhouses of mobile gaming, putting out one game after another, each time getting closer to blurring the lines between console games and mobile games. Today, Gameloft is celebrating the fact that its Facebook page has reached 10 million fans since the page was created in 2009.

To help with its celebrations, Gameloft is hosting some activities on its Facebook page that could net you some “instant win” goodies, as well as the ability to create your own Facebook infographic. If you’re interested in joining in the fun, visit Gameloft’s Facebook page here; don’t worry if you’re not currently one of their 10 million fans, simply like the page and you can take part as well.

On the topic of Gameloft as well, Gameloft’s FPS hit of yesteryear, Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour is on special on Google Play right now for $0.99. I’m not sure if this is part of the festivities (someone might be able to confirm this for me), but getting one of the best FPSes on Android right now for only a dollar is a pretty good deal. Play Store link is below if you’re sold.

Are you a fan of Gameloft? How many Gameloft games do you own? Let’s see who has the most!

Gameloft Facebook page


Game: Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour

Play Store Link

Price: $0.99