Are you in the market for another strategy title to kick back with and burn through a battery? Gameloft has released Siegefall, a title they announced back at E3. It comes from the creators of the very popular Modern Combat series, except this one isn’t about running and gunning. Instead it is a free-to-play strategy title that involves legions of specialized troops, magic, unique heroes and even a bad ass dragon.

â— Amass legions of specialized troops including sneaky rogues, horrifying trolls, and heavy-fisted knights.
â— Deploy your army and directly control your Hero in battle to exploit enemy weaknesses.
â— Master dozens of Magic Cards you can win or loot, unleash them to freeze foes, launch explosive boulders, and conjure fearsome Dragons!EXPAND YOUR KINGDOM
â— War is expensive! Build mines, sawmills, farms and more to keep your kingdom’s economy running.
â— Defend your kingdom with strategically placed defense towers, explosives, traps, barricades and walls to ward off greedy invaders.
â— Battle with players worldwide and besiege their castles for resources.IT’S ALL ABOUT PERSONALITY
â— Unique Heroes: Unlock rival leaders and their abilities as you progress in the solo campaign. Always choose the right hero for the job!
â— Amazing graphics with stylized art that makes battles epic to watch, while making units and buildings easy to identify.
Download: Siegefall by Gameloft