
Gear up Ingress lovers, Niantic Labs Endgame: Proving Grounds AR game on the horizon

While I would like to say “dust off you gear Ingress players,” I know that would partially be a lie since Ingress is still very much alive and well for many out there. Maybe it is more fitting to tell you guys to get ready to switch gears a bit and pick up another battery bank or two. Today, Niantic Labs, the guys behind the global augmented reality game Ingress, have announced its next game release, Endgame: Proving Grounds. Endgame is a project that has been in the works for well over a year when I was first clued in to pending title back in January 2014 when HarperCollins, 20th Century Fox and Google’s Niantic Labs announced that they would be working with best-selling author James Frey to launch a cross media project called Endgame which would span to books, tv shows, movies, online web-based elements and a mobile app. (original press release)

Now, just over a year later, they are announcing the new augmented reality title by Niantic Labs. The new title will give players the chance to compete in the AR battle for humanity in the Endgame universe. You will join one of the twelve Lines of humanity and participate in an interactive story extending throughout real-world locations. As a player you will compete against others in player versus player battles (PvP) and a heck of a lot more.

Endgame: Proving Grounds isn’t ready for prime time players just yet. It is expected to become available in a closed beta form later this year, much like Ingress started out. That doesn’t mean you can’t get started though. According to AndroidAuthority, there is an interactive hub online at They report that you are taken on a tour through YouTube videos and interactive puzzles that let you earn points. I was unable to access the site myself, so it could have been a premature launch or it is just being overloaded already. I was able to check out some other details at Doing a little searching provided some details from The Verge that the online aspect of this world has been up and running since October of 2014 with the Ancient Truth storyworld, which is the AR game prequel to the book Endgame: The Calling.

In a nutshell, if you want to get in on all the action that Endgame and the AR worlds will offer, you better get going so you aren’t left behind.

Source: AndroidAuthroity

Original Press Release from January 2014