
Get your image displayed 100m wide on the White Cliffs of Dover!

Projection Advertising
This is completely and utterly off topic. However, the opportunity was so awesome and amazing, that we just had to put it out there for you guys. Project Advertising is running one heck of an advertising campaign. Their last bit of work involved projecting Kanye Wests latest music video, New Slaves, projected on 21 buildings in 3 major European cities. It was a pretty big deal and pretty darn cool. Check out the premier video if you want.


This isn’t a plug for Kanye though, this is a plug for something pretty amazingly cool that you can win. The marketing agency behind the whole thing, Projection Advertising, is offering you a chance to have your photo or original artwork, projected 100 meters wide (328 feet for us Americans) on the infamous White Cliffs of Dover for 15 seconds. They will choose 100 winners and they will send you a photo of your picture or art work sprawled out across Britain’s most beloved landmarks. Sounds cool huh? Head over to Projection Advertising to see their little blurb. Or simple snag the email address below and send in your image. P.S. it needs to be a JPEG and submitted by June 2nd. Better hurry.

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