
Gingerbread for the Samsung Droid Charge Caught on Camera

Although the Samsung Droid Charge hasn’t been on the market very long, it’s been assumed that a leap to the newest Android version would be rolling out within a few months of release. With Samsung releasing numerous updates for their other devices as well as the updates rolling out from other manufacturers, it’s easy to see why it would be expected.

Being the first Samsung device to grace the “Droid” line, and one of the three initial LTE phones available on Verizon, the Droid Charge has higher expectations than that of the other handsets. That being said, it seems a teaser video has been released of some lucky person showing off the new Gingerbread update being tested for this phone. Check it out below.

While no availability has been announced as of yet, we at least know it’s in the testing phase, and judging by the video it’s looking good. Hopefully we will see some news from Verizon soon.



Source: Android Central via MyDroidWorld