
Gingerbread update ready to hit Verizons Samsung Fascinate

Verizon and Samsung seem to be pulling out all the stops this week. Just yesterday we found out the Gingerbread update was finally hitting the Droid Charge, now the Samsung Fascinate is finally getting its much-needed update. It has certainly taken them long enough to finally get their original Galaxy S device up to speed. Of course many of you have already looked into other methods to get Gingerbread up and running on your device. Chances are you are happier with it than you ever would have been with an official update any ways. The update is labeled EH03 and happens to be the same update that was leaked out a while back, so if you installed the leak, you are up to date.

Besides the obvious update to Gingerbread, there are a few other things added in. Some new widgets, icons and refreshed colors. Also is improved word selection and copy functionality.

There is not official date, it just says coming soon. We have seen reports of people claiming they have received the update already though. So check it out in the About phone section and install if you do so desire.

Source: Verizon