
GlassTesla, The Google Glass App For Tesla Model S Owners

glassteslaAre you one of the lucky ones who own Google Glass? Might you also be one of the fortunate people who own a Tesla Model S? Well, if you are in this small, small minority, first of all let me say that I am unequivocally jealous of you. Second of all, if you wanted a Google Glass app to help interact with your car, GlassTesla might just have you covered.

This new, unofficial app being developed by Sahas Katta aims to use Google Glass to add a few bonus features to their Tesla experience, including the ability to stop charging remotely, get directions while driving, lock your Tesla if you happen to leave it unlocked and also use Google Glass for Climate Control. Certainly, these functions (apart from the first one) wouldn’t look too shabby in a “normal” car either, so hopefully there’s something for the rest of us who don’t own a Tesla. Oh wait, I still don’t own Google Glass. Damn.

The future looks bright for the Google Glass and its applications. Where else do you see Google Glass being useful? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: GlassTesla via engadget