
Google Announces “Android Wear”, The Android Based Smartwatch Platform

Android Waer Smartwatch UI
Over the last few months there has been considerable speculation and rumor about Google bringing a smart watch to market with the help of LG. We fully expected the announcement to happen at Google I/O, but we also speculated that they would make it happen earlier so devs could get to work bringing great apps to it before it was available to buy. Today via their blog, Google has shared what the new Android Wear is going to be all about.

I am pretty convinced that Google has nailed it. Check out some details about the developer preview. Google is also launching the preview SDK for this next week.

After reading through the info and watching the videos a couple times, it is sounding like Android Wear is targeted as a software for smartwatches and wearables. If you watch the videos, you see various watch styles and designs. Google is already working with “Asus, HTC, LG, Motorola and Samsung; chip makers Broadcom, Imagination, Intel, Mediatek and Qualcomm; and fashion brands like the Fossil Group to bring you watches powered by Android Wear later this year.” That means that all these manufacturers will create their own slight twist or take on the look and options for a wearable using the Android Wear software. This doesn’t mean that Google isn’t going to produce  one of their own to be sold on the Play Store. We are still convinced that LG will be making an Android Wear based Nexus branded watch for Google.

Google has brought the power of Google Now to your wrist. Utilizing the hot word, “OK Google” much like you can do on your device now without having to pull it out of your pocket. Reading through the blog post we also find out that you can tell Android Wear to cast content to your TV too.

Via Google Blog