
Google Apps Update Roundup: YouTube, Play Music, Play Services and more updated with new goodies

Google Apps UpdateYes, I know the logo above isn’t technically for the same apps we’re talking about, but it seemed appropriate anyway. Another week is now over and as always, there was a big Google apps update on Wednesday (Thursday for some) with a few updates trickling in a day later. In case you missed any of them, we’ve got them all rounded up here for you to pick up.

The most notable updates during the week included Google Play Music, which added YouTube support for playing music videos, and Play Services, which added quite a few new services for developers to work with (more details at the Google Developers Blog here). There were a few minor updates to Google Slides, Google Keep, YouTube, and even an Androidfy app update. For those that you’re interested about, and for some reason you haven’t seen the update for yet, we’ve provided APK download links below:

Google Play Music 5.7.1781Q APK download

Google Play Services 6.5.85 (-034) APK download

Google Play Services 6.5.85 (-036) APK download

Google Play Services 6.5.85 (-038) APK download

Google Slides 1.0.952 APK download

Google Keep 3.0.03 APK download

YouTube 5.18.5 APK download

Androidify 2.1 APK download


Source: GappsEarly