• News
  • 20 July, 2012

Google buys Sparrow, Hope for Improvements on Gmail Arise Everywhere

This is surprising and beautiful news, Google has just purchased third-party email client company Sparrow. Dom Leca announced this today on twitter also stating that current apps will not receive any new features, which seems the logical thing to do since they will start working on Gmail. As Google said about Sparrow’s team “[they have] a lot of expertise in how to make mail communication really simple”, this shows that Google is really looking to improve on Gmail, probably more in-line with Google+, which every day feels more like an app and less like a web page, and that’s a great idea.

Sparrow is best known for its Mac client and we don’t know what Google is going to do with it, I think that eventually it’ll get killed, since Google is all-in for the web and Chrome OS so I don’t think an official Mac Gmail client will appear, and the current Sparrow will probably get discontinued.

Probably most of the development will be in the Android and iOS apps, but surely the web will get an overhaul, to make it more dynamic and get a more “app” feel.

While no exact number was given, it appears that Sparrow was acquired for something under $25 million, which isn’t exactly a huge number for Google.

source: Sparrow

via: The Verge