
Google Calendar 5.0 available now with its Material Design makeover [APK Download]

oogle Calendar 5.0We heard yesterday that Google Calendar that was going to get its Material Design makeover soon, and today we’re glad to say we have an APK that will make that happen for you. Google Calendar 5.0 has been found and brings to you all the fun features that were featured in the introduction video that Google posted up yesterday. In case you missed it, here it is again:

If you want to get your hands on Google Calendar 5.0, and we have a feeling that you do, you can download the APK from the link below. Note that the APK is apparently only compatible with devices with Android 4.0.3 and higher, though if you are running something with a version lower than that, presumably part of the 18% as per Google’s latest distribution numbers, then we salute you.

Google Calendar 5.0 APK download

Let us know you are finding the new app in the comments below.

Source: Android Police