
Google cancels Google Wallet physical Cards, for Now

Google Wallet Cards
We all know Google I/O is next week. For those of us that can’t attend, we will be furiously watching streams and feeds like a hawk. I/O is where all the Google and Android goodies get announced and unveiled every year. We have seen so much get announced over the last few years that it has turned into the CES of Android, in my humble opinion. On the list of topics for this year is the next Nexus 7. Which was supposedly leaked as a new HD version for the same cost as the current device. Google Wallet is also on the list of things for Google to cover.

The talks are that Google will be letting loose some new merchants, additional reward points and loyalty points. While all of that sounds good, it also sounds like one addition to Google Wallet that, the physical cards that we heard about back in November, won’t be getting in the lime light.

The postponing, or cancelling, of the physical cards is reportedly due to Google CEO Larry Page. Page feels the cards are not at the same level as other payment systems out there. He felt they “did not press forward innovation as payments startups like Square have done.” Another factor is said to be pertaining to a demo set of cards filled with issues and glitches. Nothing would make things worse than trying to use your cards and have them not work. It would ruin a business meeting, or worse, ruin a first date.

Google Wallet has so much potential for end users looking for safe and secure ways to pay for things. Having Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile aiming at their own payment methods with ISIS is a large thorn in their and our sides. With new merchants on board and a more goodness coming from Google Wallet, I can’t understand why the other carriers have been so reluctant, other than the fact that they won’t make any money from it. Wouldn’t it be nice to not to have to hack and crack things to get wallet? Also, wouldn’t it be nice if these guys worried more about the users and not their pocketbooks?

There isn’t any news on if Google will continue working on physical Google Wallet cards or not. I think it would be in their best interest to keep moving forward. I personally have T-Mobile for my service, but I  have zero intention of using ISIS if or when it ever finally makes a national launch.

Source: AllThingsD