
Google chose HTC for the Nexus 9 to stop any one manufacturer gaining a monopoly

Google chose HTC for the Nexus 9We’ve suspected its been coming for the longest time, but it’s always nice to find out a bit of back story. The Wall Street Journal has yesterday reported on the relationship between Google and HTC and how the Nexus 9 tablet apparently has come to be. According to WSJ, Google chose HTC for the Nexus 9 to stop “any one manufacturer gaining a monopoly”, something Google has been constantly wary of with Android’s biggest manufacturer, Samsung. Of course, this fits right in with Google’s behaviour in changing up hardware partners and ironically, despite not having a tablet of their own, HTC might just be the best for a tablet in 2014.

HTC exited the tablet market in 2012 with the HTC Flyer, a somewhat uninspiring device, so the Taiwanese company might seem like an unusual choice to produce what is probably going to be one of the most popular devices of 2014. However, HTC is widely accepted to have made two of the best Android smartphones over the past two years, and while they struggle to compete with the volumes of larger manufacturers like LG and Samsung, their hallmark has become quality over quantity, something which could make a HTC Nexus device amazing. Of course, Google and HTC have declined to comment on any speculation of a partnership, but it seems almost a done deal that a Nexus 9 tablet is going to appear within the next month or two.

What do you think about Google choosing HTC for the Nexus 9? Let us know your opinion.

Source: WSJ via Phone Arena