
Google Chrome Beta updates with pull-to-refresh webpages [APK Download]

Just the other day I was browsing around the web on the tablet and bounced over to check on some numbers from a project. Out of habit from other apps, Gmail and G+ specifically, I tried to pull down on the page to get it to refresh. I thought to myself, “Stupid, why doesn’t the browser do that yet.” Apparently Google has been working on that very feature and it is now part of the v41 build for Chrome Beta.

Chrome Beta v41 APK

That is the big headliner feature of the new beta update. It is available and rolling out to device since last night actually. If you haven’t seen it hit your device you can check the Play Store or grab the APK from Gappsearly below. Feel free to head over to the Chrome Release page and get the deeper skinny on things. Enjoy that pulling.

Chrome Beta v41 APK Download