- New Zealand
- Philippines
- Norway
- Denmark
- Mexico
- Chile
- Belgium
- Spain
- Italy
In the poem, it is below, Google states that Chile, Denmark, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway and the Philippines are available starting today. With Belgium, Italy and Spain said to becoming available in coming weeks. Â As of posting this we haven’t seen any Chromebooks become available in the Play Store for other locales. We imagine that they will poop up shortly after the buzz gets around.
Any of our overseas readers in those locales ready to pull the trigger on a Chromebook?
Source: Chrome Blog
Poem -Â
Chromebooks are coming to nine more nations
to improve computing for all generations.
So we’d like to say our Hellos
to our new global Chromebook fellows:
Kia ora to our New Zealand mates,
where getting on-line will have shorter waits.
Kumusta to new friends in the Philippines,
a better way of computing is what this means.
Hallo to all the folks in Norway
Speed, simplicity and security are coming your way.
Hej Hej to the people in Denmark
Built-in virus protection will be your new computing benchmark.
To Mexico and Chile, Hola we say
Tons of apps and free automatic updates are starting today.
And in the coming weeks — very soon, you’ll see —
Chromebooks will be in Belgium, Spain and Italy.
Chromebooks are easy to share, manage and use,
With lots of shapes, colors and sizes to choose.
Stay safe with your data stored in the cloud,
A smart pick like Chromebook will make your mom proud.
When Chromebooks in these countries alight,
We hope our new global friends find some computing delight.