
Google+ Code Examined, Social Gaming is Sure to Come

One of my absolute favorite aspects of the G+ environment is the complete non existence of games flooding my feed as Facebook does.  No I don’t want to help you with your farm or accept your stupid present. That maybe what is keeping many of the female demographic from joining or wanting to join G+. That may simply be a stereo type but it is 100% the case on my Facebook page. Who really wants to be part of a social site that is pure and for communication anyways?

With a little digging by a Techcrunch  tipster, Yvo Schaap,  he found the Google Games logo and a few APIs that have yet to be announced. If you are curious those APIs were - “/_/games/getGameFriends”, “/_/games/getActivities” and” /_/games/postToStream” . Looks like the latter of the three will be the one that kills me.

I know the social gaming aspect of life is a very profitable one and may developers have already showed interest and plans to build games specifically for Google+ in the future. Some have even gone so far as to say they have been working closely with a “Social Gaming Team” with in the company. A few leaks from a year ago gave some hints at what might be to follow - “be part of broader social-networking initiative that is under development” and which would “incorporate and go beyond Buzz.” Some big names in social gaming such as Playdom, Electronic Arts’ Playfish and Zynga were all companies named in those leaks.

We all know it is coming, we all know it will eventually happen. The real question is do we want it too? As long as I can keep the people from flooding my feeds with garbage I will be just fine with the future of social gaming on G+. If I can’t, well, then those people will be removed from my account in a hurry.

What’s your thoughts on this impending next step?

Source: Slashgear & TechCrunch