
Google dumps Windows!!

Although this is not directly tied into Android it is still something of note. Since Google is our brain for Android and all things great.

It was sited by “several Google employees” the shift was accelerated. Which means it was something they planned on doing anyways. Apparently due to Windows security issues and all the trouble Google had earlier this year with China its not surprising its been pulled. Employees are reporting they have the choice now of a Mac or a  Linux-based PC for their company use.

“Linux is open source and we feel good about it,” said one employee. “Microsoft we don’t feel so good about.”

With the up and coming release of Chrome, Googles own OS which is Linux-based, its a move in the right direction. Why wouldn’t they want their company to be running on their own OS. I think its a smart move on Googles part. I’m sure it will save them a bundle in licensing. You can read the full stories through the source links if you so desire.

Source: Financial Times / zdnet