• News
  • 29 October, 2012

Google Event Not the only Event Cancelled Tomorrow

As we dry our tears this weekend after the news about the Google Event being cancelled due to hurricane Sandy, come to find out, there are two other events that will be cancelled as well. The T-Mobile Showcase Event was also supposed to hit NYC tomorrow. I don’t know about you, but I was REALLY EXCITED ABOUT THAT! Honestly I did not even know about it. I am sure there was no T-Mobile Nexus devices that were going to be showcased, but odds are, the Galaxy Note 2 was going to be showing its pretty big head at that event. Here is the email that was sent out:




Apologies for the late mail, but due to the expected weather in New York, T-Mobile will be postponing its showcase event (which was scheduled for October 29) to a later date.  We will keep you posted on a rescheduled date as soon as we can.

Thanks for your flexibility and patience and apologies for the inconvenience.


Dive Into Mobile had an event tomorrow as well, that will suffer cancellation due to Sandy. Many pillars of the tech community were set to speak at that event, including Andy Rubin. How often does this happen? Mother nature is not loving the tech world that is for sure. Here is what they sent out about this event:

So it indeed sucks that these events have to be cancelled, but for those of you over on the east coast please be safe and make sure you stay out of harms way. I have heard it refered to as “Frankenstorm” so that is not comforting at all. Let us know how you guys are doing over there.

Source: Android Police Android Central