• News
  • 12 February, 2012

‘Google Experience Centre’ to be the Name of the $120 Million Dollar Google Hardware Testing Facilities

Looks like Google is forking over some big bucks into getting some testing facilities going for all their consumer devices. The $120 million-dollar expansion includes wireliss testing facilities creatively named “Google/@home”. There appears to also be a top-secret percision optics lab that is called “Project X”. Some are saying this might be Sergey Brin’s “Google X”, but it is “top-secret”, so I gues we will never know for sure.  I believe this where they start building “Skynet”, right?

This “Google Experience Center” will be somewhere around the size of a 120,000-square-foot private exhibition space, and Google will be able to show of the latest and greatest of their technology and products. With Google about ready to swallow up Motorola, this sounds to a great expansion for them. So when are getting actual Androids?

Source: The Verge