• News
  • 17 April, 2013

Google Fiber Adds Provo, Utah to their List of Cities

google_fiber_provo_announcementProvo, Utah has now been added to the list, as lucky residents got the news from their mayor about Google Fiber coming to their city. The 115,000 residents who are already on Provo’s iProvo internet network, will be getting free access to Google Fiber, with a $30 activation fee for seven years. That is pretty awesome right there. Once Google fits Provo with their 1 GB technology, residents will be downloading and uploading faster than I can write this post.

So Google Fiber is slowly, but surely, making its way out there. I am wondering when it will really start taking off. Would love to have me some fiber here in SoCal, but I’ll sit pretty with my 30 mb down. Let us know what you guys think of this.

Source: Talk Android