• News
  • 6 February, 2012

Google Fiber moves to next stage as laying preparations begin, one Gbps broadband on the Way

What do we have here? We all know Google gets its little search engine fingers into everything it can across the globe. One thing I didn’t know they were working on is a high-speed residential broadband service. Apparently it has been in the works for a couple of years now. After some pretty extensive testing, cutting through all the red tape that one needs to get through to comply with laws and competitors, it looks like Google is ready to start laying some fiber. Where you ask? Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri. Interesting locations to say the least, but I am sure it was the most engineering friendly and accepted location for public service testing. Not to mention I would expect a grip of jobs to be created in the area for the cities involved.

Kansas City is Fiber-Ready!

Monday, February 06, 2012 | 3:00:00 AM

We’ve measured utility poles; we’ve studied maps and surveyed neighborhoods; we’ve come up with a comprehensive set of detailed engineering plans; and we’ve eaten way too much barbecue. Now, starting today, we’re ready to lay fiber.

As we build out Google Fiber, we’ll be taking thousands of miles of cables and stretching them across Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri. Each cable contains many thin glass fibers, each about the width of a human hair. We’ll be taking these cables and weaving them into a fiber backbone—a completely new high speed infrastructure that will ultimately be carrying Kansas Citians’ data at speeds more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have today.

At first, we’ll focus on building this solid fiber backbone. Then, as soon as we have an infrastructure that is up and running, we’ll be able to connect Google Fiber into homes across Kansas City!

As we build, we’ll be sure to post more important updates and announcements right here.

Posted by Kevin Lo, General Manager, Google Access

Source: Google Fiber via Androidandme