
Google+ Gets a New Commercial Showing us just Why it is Awesome

I am not going to lie to you. I did not jump onto the Google+ bandwagon when it was first launched. Yes I know…how dare I? I stuck to the Mom and Pop of the social media, Facebook and Twitter. But as I started to create a name for myself in the Android world with The ManDroid Show, I began to realize just how awesome Google+ is. Basically Facebook and Twitter had sex and boom, out came Google+, but with enhanced and added features. I then fell in love.

Now all of you have no doubt, have been using Google+, either frequently, or maybe you check it every now and then. A new commercial showing some of the features of Google+ on your Android device hit the web today, showing just how awesome the Android Google+ experience can be. Google is trying their very best to get people away from silly old Facebook, and onto a new social media experience. The commercial definitely shows some great features that come with the Android app, so hopefully it will start pulling Google+ out of the depths of social media destruction. Check out the commercial for yourself and let us know what you think.