
Google Glass Receives XE5 Update That Brings Much Needed Features


Those that were not impressed by the Google Glass features, might want to take another look after it receives a fresh update. Seems that the glasses will be obtain the XE5 update, that brings on a slew of new features. Here is what it will get:

  • Change to sync policy: require power + wifi for background uploads
  • Crash reporting
  • Incoming G+ notifications (direct shares, comments, +mentions), including ability to comment and +1
  • Incoming Hangout notifications
  • Transcription of queries & messages is now wicked-fast
  • Long-press to search from anywhere in the UI (no longer just from off)
  • International number dialing + SMS
  • Hop animation on disallowed swipes in the UI
  • New On-Head Detection calibration flow
  • Show device Serial Number on Device Info card
  • More reliable estimation of battery charge remaining
  • New recipient-list mosaic

Not too shabby. This will most likely not be the only update the glasses will receive before they release them out to the public. Google wants to make sure people get their money’s worth, and that is a nice chunk of change. Let us know what you guys think.

Source: Talk Android