
[Download] Google Hangouts app updated to v1.0.2, welcomed bug fixes and performance Improvements

Google Hangouts App Update 1.0.2
We don’t know about you guys, but the new Google Hangouts app that took the place of Gtalk is pretty amazing. While it still misses the mark a little without in app texting options, it is a dramatic improvement over the old app. We use it daily with the team and our friends. Hangouts is currently in a staged roll out update that will move it to version 1.0.2. With the update comes some fixes for a couple of fairly large issues, along with some of the usual performance improvements.

In 1.0.2 they have solved a double notification issue that was apparently plaguing many of you out there. This is the first i have heard about the problem, but for those getting a message on the new hangouts and the old Gtalk app on your device will be pleased that it should be gone. The audio issues faced in video calls on Android 2.3x devices, including the super amazing Droid Charge, should be resolved also. Again, a great thing since Gingerbread still has a fairly large user base still. There are other bug fixes and performance improvements that aren’t listed, but we imagine they are all minor things that just make the experience a bit better.

You might not see the new update right away as Google is pushing it out in stages with the new Play Store roll out options. We will keep our eyes peeled and see if we can snag it and get it out to you guys like us who have the patience of 3-year-old for updates. Check the Play Store though, you might have the update waiting for you already.

Hangouts Play Store Link

Update: Got our hands on the APK for the latest update. If you are a bit impatient, or could really use those fixes now, hit the link below and pick it up. Thanks for share Mattew!

DownloadHangouts v1.0.2

MirrorHangouts v1.0.2Â