
Google+ Hangouts now added to

Anyone that has spent any time in the Hangout section of Google+ knows that you can pull up YouTube videos during a video chat. It’s pretty cool and a great way to share videos with your friends. Now you can actually go to and while watching video click on the SHARE Button, then click on the Start a Google Plus Hangout. Check it out –

Now before you go and get all excited like I did, let me explain a few things first. The first thought that ran through my mind was “SWEET! Now I can do a hangout and watch a movie with a buddy out of town.” Nope not gonna happen. I tested out 5 FREE movies and it failed at every turn and attempt. I also went ahead and rented a movie to test that out. I could watch that video on my end, but my Hangout buddy was prompted to rent it too. Of course I didn’t force him to rent it as well so we could both watch it and see if it was in sync or not. I suppose if it was then it could be a good way to watch a movie together with out going to the theaters. It would also be a little less expensive.

Now that this feature is added though, I really think they need to get it set up to work the way we all expect it to. If I rent the movie, why shouldn’t I be able to do a Hangout and watch it with my friends or family? It would be just like having everyone over to my house with out having the mess or supplying the beer. Hopefully Google will take that into consideration and make that happen.

Source: Electronista