• News
  • 8 September, 2010

Google Instant Launches, Mobile Release Scheduled

Google today unveiled a new feature to its  search engine prowess: Google Instant – a new search-before-you-type-approach to Googling, which takes what you have typed already, predicts the most likely completion, and streams results instantly in real-time.

Some Google Instant benefits include:

  • Dynamic Results – Google dynamically displays relevant search results as you type so you can quickly interact and click through to the web content you need.
  • Predictions – One of the key technologies in Google Instant is that they predict the rest of your query (in light gray text) before you finish typing. See what you need? Stop typing, look down and find what you’re looking for.
  • Scroll to search – Scroll through predictions and see results instantly for each as you arrow down.

According to the Official Google Blog:

Google Instant will become the core search experience on Google.com for Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE 8. We’ll also be offering Google Instant to our users in France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain and the U.K. who are signed in and have Instant-capable browsers. Over the coming weeks and months, we’ll work to roll out Google Instant to all geographies and platforms.

Speaking of instant, the roll-out is already playing live on an instant-capable browser at this very moment! Visit Google.com and start playing with it. Check back soon if you do not see it yet. It will take a couple days for Google Instant to be available to everyone on Google.com.

Though not yet available on mobile, there are plans to release it shortly. In fact, if you were lucky enough and quick enough, you could have gotten a glimpse of the service on your Android phone earlier today.

Source: Google Blog, Google Instant