
Google I/O Quicky – Stock Android Samsung Galaxy S4 to hit Play Store June 26th

Google branded Samsung Galaxy S4
The rumor has been confirmed. Google has announced that a Samsung Galaxy S4 running stock Android will be available for purchase in the Play Store starting June 26th. Updates will roll out on time and quickly directly from Google. The Bootloader will be unlocked and it will be SIM unlocked as well, which is pretty awesome. It will be the 16GB model, no mention on the color options. When it goes live, it will set you back $649. On par for an international unlocked device, with the exception that the bootloader is unlocked and it is stock from Google. Saves you having to root and flash something else.

We are sure plenty of you are excited about this news. Many others will say root and CM10.1 it. For others that just like the stock experience, want a SIM unlocked device and love the S4, but don’t like TW, it is a pretty slick option.

Anyone out there holding out to buy one of these?