• News
  • 14 October, 2011

Google is close to deals with music labels, could see music purchasing options Soon

Music is just as important to an Android users as their apps are. When Google launched the Music Beta service it offered us all an easy and seamless way to have instant access to our entire music collections. This was a great step in the right direction, after all services like Pandora didn’t offer us all the music we wanted. Not to mention that memory cards can only hold so much. There are other options out there for purchasing music, but none that offer integration directly to our beloved Google services.

According to the New York Times, Google might be close to finally locking down some agreements with the music industry. Offering us a Google Music store front for accessing and purchasing digital music content legally. Purchases should sync directly into your Google Music cloud account and allow you access to it across all your devices and services.

Hopefully this will help keep the music industry happy and off our backs for a while and offer us another solution for finding music that we love.

Source: New York Times via AndroidGuys