Google has continued its charge to update all its Google apps according to the Material Design guidelines and the latest app to get this makeover is Google Keep. Google Keep 3.0 (specifically 3.0.01) brings in quite a few features which puts it on par with the other updated Google apps as well as adding in some nice new features that should make everybody’s life easier.

As you can see, the app is looking very snazzy with the new slide out menu and a new search function which lets you sort through your notes via type (e.g. note, voice, etc.) or by colour. Another neat feature is that there is now a new pop-up notification bar at the bottom of the app which will let you know various things like whether syncing is enabled or if you just removed a note and want to undo that action. The update Keep should be rolling out to your device soon (it’s not showing up in the Play Store yet), but if you want to try out the new feature, we have the APK available for download below.
Google Keep 3.0 APK download
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