
Google Latitude To Go Dark On August 9th

google latitudeSome of you who have downloaded the new Google Maps app may have already noticed this, but the new app does not have Latitude features included. This was a bit puzzling, but of course, as with all things Google of late, if it goes missing, it’s probably going to be shut-down soon (yes, I’m still bitter about Google Reader). This much has now been confirmed in Google’s own support documentation, saying that Google Latitude will be closing its doors on August 9th, 2013, ending support for Google Maps on Android and iOS.

If you absolutely need that location-sharing fix, the feature to share your location and check-in will now be combined in Google+ and friends in your circles will be able to locate you on their map that way. And so, yet another Google service will bite the dust in favour of Google+. It’s long believed that Google Reader was closed due to the fact it encroached on the content sharing functions of Google+, and it’s more than likely Latitude did the same to Google+ for location sharing.

Perhaps more sneakily, this means that iOS users will be forced to get the Google+ app if they wish to continue sharing their location with their Google/Android friends. Silver lining right? What do you think about the “retiring” of Google Latitude? Let it all out in the comments.

Source: Google via engadget