• News
  • 11 October, 2012

Google loads up biggest Street View update ever, covering over 250,000 miles of road World Wide

How much coffee does Google give their employees for free? We have no idea, but seriously, they never seem to stop working. Do they even have a home life? Just yesterday they put out an update for the Google+ App. Today we just saw an update for the Google Play Store, and now we get a Street View update that is ridiculously massive. They have just made over 250,000 miles of roadways from around the globe available on Street View. To put that in perspective a little. The Moon is roughly 238,900 miles from Earth. So, Google just drove to the moon and probably around it a few times. At 60 mph that would take a person 4166.6 hours, 173.6 days or nearly 6 months. Assuming they never slept, stopped for food or used a bathroom.

Of course this feat wasn’t achieved by just one car driving around the world. The numbers are still fun to think about. So where did Street View expand?

Macau, Singapore, Sweden, the U.S., Thailand, Taiwan, Italy, Great Britain, Denmark, Norway and Canada. And we’re launching special collections in South Africa, Japan, Spain, France, Brazil and Mexico, among others.

There are even a slew of new placed to explore including parks, city centers and castles.. Ya, we said castles. I would have loved to be that team. We are never sure how much or if any of the Street View additions are available on our devices, but we imagine some if not all of them are. I personally never check it on my phone only on the PC. To check out some of the extra special places that they have added, like  inside Kronborg castle, be sure to head over to Google Lat-Long blog.

We think what Google is doing is great. Giving us access to the world in a way that we can take our time and control like never before.

Source: Google Lat-Long via TechnoBuffalo