• News
  • 26 July, 2010

Google Maps Gets Updated To 4.4

Looking for local places has gotten a lot easier with the help of Google Maps v.4.4. As you can see above, the new feature “Places,” has been added allowing for easy access to restaurants, gas stations, bars, etc… Google Maps have had six updates and six months to provide us with the very latest in features. Along with the “Place” option, which has now been added to our homescreen launcher, when scrolling through these tabs, customer reviews, distance, as well as little compass arrows provide the direction to the location that moves when you do and gives the current distance to those place. Google is doing everything it can to make us feel that we are taken good care of and with this latest v.4.4 Google Map update, we can really tell.

“Places” added to homescreen Launcher

Compass and distance with customer reviews

Scan the QR Code below via your Android device

Or simply search the Android Market for “Google Maps”

Via: Google

What do you think of the latest Google Maps update? Let us know in the comments below.